Your Safety, Our Responsibility

We look forward to seeing you again this fall.

As we begin a phased return to our physical campus, we are committed to bringing you together at ADALIA in new ways that strengthen our community and our institution. By bringing you together at ADALIA, our decisions are guided by two principles:

Ensemble à ADALIA

Students will return to campus this fall. As ADALIA mobilizes for a gradual return, our plan continues to evolve in accordance with directives from public health authorities. Please check our site regularly for updates.

All students were enrolled in the “2020-2021 On-Boarding” course. These comprehensive and mandatory modules cover three (3) areas essential to the student experience: (1) health and safety protocols and behavioral expectations; (2) campus traffic in this “new” normal; and (3) academic success in a hybrid and virtual learning environment.

All students, even those who will be 100% virtual this semester, are required to complete these modules before the start of the fall semester.

Each module has been carefully designed to present priority information and provide you with the relevant tools and advice to succeed in the academic year ahead. More specifically, participants will be led to:

  • Better understand prevention efforts within the establishment in the fight against COVID-19;
  • Know the most recent campus health and safety policies implemented for the fall 2020 semester;
  • Learn to recognize new campus directional signage and appreciate space utilization expectations and capacity limits for campus facilities:
  • Learn how to best access campus resources and support services;
  • Understand best practices for learning in a hybrid and virtual classroom environment.

To access the course, you will receive a calendar invitation during September 2020. The full course will last approximately 1.5 hours and will serve as a useful resource throughout the semester. Students are required to complete their admission by Monday, September 14. Otherwise your fall registration will be canceled.

If possible (although not required), we encourage you to obtain a molecular (PCR) test for SARS-CoV2 72 hours before coming to campus. If you test positive, you must delay your trip to campus for 10 days and until you are medically cleared.

Off-campus students must quarantine for two weeks before entering the ADALIA campus and must receive a negative COVID test before attending classes.

Les étudiants hors campus doivent rester hors du campus jusqu’au début des cours, à l’exception d’un test de dépistage asymptomatique. Les étudiants doivent prévoir un test COVID-19 au moins trois jours avant leur premier cours. De plus amples informations sur la prise de rendez-vous seront bientôt disponibles.

Off-campus students who are unable to sign the 14-day quarantine certification prior to entering the ADALIA campus must remain in quarantine at their off-campus residence and only come to campus for a asymptomatic screening test. These students must produce two negative tests before attending classes. Students who travel to Casablanca from abroad and who live off campus are required to respect public health measures.

An ADALIA diploma is recognized worldwide. Our graduates are in high demand, and our alumni network is willing to network and hire other ADALIA graduates.

We are confident in our ability to deliver a high-quality and impactful learning experience, whatever the format, and we have made many necessary changes to the current situation drawing on our almost 20 years of experience successful distance learning and innovative curriculum development. Investments have been made in faculty development, hardware and software, and safety and health measures that will enhance the student experience. We have applied the same rate per credit (ECTS) for all course formats for many years, and therefore there are no plans for refunds or reductions for current or future courses. Although we have significant additional infrastructure and operating costs due to the pandemic, we are not increasing tuition or introducing new fees to offset these special costs.

Course delivery

Students have two main choices for fall courses: hybrid courses and fully in-person courses. Hybrid courses are available to all students, whether or not they are on campus.

Hybrid classrooms combine face-to-face instruction and technology to meet our de-densification needs, and include teaching techniques such as split attendance, small groups, and blended learning.

Visit the “Academic Continuity” section for more information on hybrid classes.

Academic calendar

The Graduate School will begin classes on Monday, October 12. You will receive a complete academic calendar for more information.

Course registration

Registration for Graduate School programs is open until the second week of September. Returning students have received emails regarding registration. New students will receive an email regarding their registration.

Nous continuons à prévoir une variété de méthodes d’enseignement, et les formats des cours peuvent changer en fonction de l’évolution des besoins de santé publique, avec l’espoir que tous les cours seront dispensés soit de manière hybride, soit en ligne. L’école d’études supérieures pivotera et sera complètement mise en continuité pédagogique la situation sanitaire nous y oblige.


All students returning to campus will be required to be tested within 24 hours of their return.

Contact tracing

If a student tests positive for COVID-19, a contact tracing process is initiated by the local health board specific to where the student is located. The process is supported by information provided by the student during an interview and by inputs into ADALIA’s digital contact tracing system.

The Board of Health will notify anyone who has been in “close contact” with the person who tested positive. “Close contact” means physical proximity of less than six feet for 15 minutes or more, beginning two days before a positive test result or the appearance of symptoms. Close contacts are advised to quarantine for 14 days from their last exposure and follow testing recommendations.

Monitoring and reporting symptoms

All students (whether or not you come to campus) must report symptoms daily. This declaration must be made before leaving campus or off-campus housing. Students will receive a pass for campus attendance or will be asked to stay home and will receive additional instructions. They will receive a reminder in the morning to log symptoms and will be asked to complete the report. whatever the time, no later than noon.

To protect all members of the ADALIA community and limit the spread and/or re-emergence of COVID-19, students are required to wear masks/face coverings at all times, with the following limited exceptions:

  • When eating or drinking
  • During a medical emergency

Masks should fit snugly over the nose and under the chin. Students are responsible for washing cloth masks and disposing of single-use masks. Students are encouraged to bring additional masks or facial coverings to campus. Masks will also be on sale in the campus store. ADALIA will provide all its students with two fabric masks each.

Our success in keeping our community operational and safe depends on each of us following campus safety protocols. It is each of us, as members of the community, responsible for upholding these behavioral expectations; Individuals should feel empowered to have polite conversations with other community members about following health measures. As this standard is a new adjustment for all of us, let us know when you have a conversation about not following protocols so we can follow up if necessary.

Students who choose not to follow campus safety protocols will be referred to the Student Conduct Process for violation of ADALIA’s Code of Ethics.

Academic Council

Academic advisors are available to answer any questions you may have regarding your program, studies, or personal concerns. We are available for an individual interview via Zoom or by telephone. Email Graduate School to schedule an appointment.

Career Services

We are always in contact with employers. We constantly communicate with our students about opportunities that may arise during their studies or after their studies. Our Innodays scientific event brings together more than 450 potential employers.

ADALIA is committed to supporting club leaders in continuing club operations and programming and providing a strong student life experience for all students.

Remote meetings and events

To ensure that all students can participate in club activities, we strongly encourage all clubs to plan virtual events. Large-scale programs will need to be reimagined as virtual programs. Events with guest speakers are also encouraged to take place in a virtual format. Graduate Student Life and Leadership can help facilitate remote events using Google Meet or Zoom.

Guidelines for in-person meetings and events

In accordance with public health, local government and ADALIA guidelines, all in-person events must meet the following criteria:

  • Attendance at an event must not exceed 10 people when it takes place indoors
  • All events must follow social distancing guidelines
  • Masks must be worn during all meetings and demonstrations
  • All events require prior registration and monitoring of participation by the ADALIA information system. The participation report must be submitted to the school no later than 24 hours after your event is held.
  • If you order food, you can only order individually wrapped food, or from the Cafeteria. The cafeteria will work with student clubs for events organized on campus. No shared food sources such as pizza or other buffets will be permitted
  • Any club that welcomes visitors to campus must register their campus visit with ADALIA in advance

ADALIA is working hard to prepare safe and flexible plans for the return of students.


The Cafeteria plans to implement automated dining technologies and solutions to support on-campus dining during the COVID-19 pandemic. These new dining options will be available, allowing our students to enjoy healthy, freshly prepared meals at school for longer.

Order via Jumia or other

Students are allowed to order meals on, provided they have individual packaged meals delivered. Any dish to share is prohibited (pizza, couscous, other).

ADALIA Fitness with Kristen by Origin

The Babson Recreation and Athletic Complex is used for on-campus recreation, individual exercise, club and intramural sports, group fitness classes and activities. We are committed to providing a safe space to meet the physical activity needs of the campus community. Research has shown the positive effects of exercise on the immune system and many chronic diseases (including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease) that place individuals in high-risk groups for COVID-19. Physical exercise also has positive effects on psychological well-being. Intramural and recreational programs will be limited at the start of the semester.

The reopening of the Fitness Center will include a phased approach and an extensive operations plan that will closely adhere to, or in most cases exceed, institutional guidelines and state and local requirements and best practices. public health matters to protect the health and safety of members of the campus community and visitors. Members of the ADALIA community will be welcomed in the Fitness room from October 12 with a reduced schedule of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for our first week of activity. Fitness opening hours will be evaluated and increased based on demand from students, faculty and staff.

In order to meet capacity requirements, the Fitness team, including students, will need to reserve a training time slot before arriving at the establishment. More information on the new online reservation system will soon be available and presented on the ADALIA website. De-densification, physical distancing, facial coverings, hand hygiene and cleaning protocols are all measures that will be implemented and enforced.

ADALIA is committed to aligning all campus recreation services, policies, procedures and communications with the guidelines and requirements noted above.

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