Trainfor tradesFinance and ManagementApply Now !
Trainfor tradesMarketing
and Digital
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Trainfor tradesInnovation
and Design
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Bachelor's Degree in Management

Discover and Apply to Our 3 Bachelor's Degree Programs (Bac+3):

  • Finance and Management Control
  • Digital Marketing and Communication
  • Innovation Management and Design Thinking

The "Finance and Management Control" track provides access to the following professions:

  • Financial analyst
  • Management Controller
  • Financial Auditor
  • Investment Advisor
  • Treasury Manager
  • ... and many others

The "Digital Marketing and Communication" track provides access to the following professions:

  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Web Marketing project manager
  • Community manager
  • SEO/SEA Consultant
  • Digital Communication Officer
  • ... and many others

The "Innovation Management and Design Thinking" track provides access to the following professions:

  • Innovation Project Manager
  • Technology Watch Manager
  • Innovation Consultant
  • Design Thinking Facilitator
  • Economic Intelligence and Data Science Analyst
  • ... and many others

Master's Degree in Management

Discover and Apply to Our 3 Master's Degree Programs (Bac+5):

  • Innovation, Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship
  • Finance, Control, and Audit
  • Gouvernance, Droit et Ressources Humaines

Le Parcours « Innovation, Marketing Digital et Entrepreneuriat » permet d’accéder aux métiers suivants :

  • Entrepreneur/Startup Founder
  • Innovation Manager
  • Digital Marketing Product Manager
  • Digital Strategy Consultant
  • Marketing and Communication Director
  • ... and many others

The "Finance, Control, and Audit" track provides access to the following professions:

  • CFO
  • Internal/External Auditor
  • Senior Financial Analyst
  • Financial Controller
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • ... and many others

Le Parcours « Gouvernance, Droit et Ressources Humaines » permet d’accéder aux métiers suivants :

  • Labor Law Specialist
  • Administrateur
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Social Law Consultant
  • Recruitment Officer
  • Corporate Mediator
  • ... and many others

Executive Programs

Discover and Apply to Our Degree and Certification Programs

  • Executive DBA
  • Executive Master and Bachelor
  • Certification Programs

The School of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Digital Management