Governance and Organization

International, robust, a benchmark

Notre Gouvernance

The strategic work of the Board of Directors is informed by the recommendations of two advisory bodies: the International Advisory Board (International Advisory Board IAB) and the Research Orientation Committee / (Research Advisory Committee RAC) made up of influential players from the academic and business worlds.


ADALIA Institute | School of Business and Management is chaired by Pr. Grégory Guéneau

Board of Directors

The ADALIA Institute Board of Directors is made up of:

  • Majdouline Ettahri (Academic Director)
  • Thierry Grenot (CEO Agora Software)
  • Grégory Guéneau (Founder and CEO of ADALIA Institute)
  • Lucien Leuwenkroon (CEO TopClass)
  • Joel Krief (AM Capital)
  • Lucien Leuwenkroon (CEO TopClass)
  • Sebastien Martin (Course Leader Executive MBA & Senior Lecturer HEC Paris, CEO Energisme)

International Advisory Board

Made up of international personalities from the academic, diplomatic or business world, the International Steering Committee provides analyzes and formulates opinions in order to inform the Board of Directors and the General Management of ADALIA Institute | School of Business and Management in terms of international strategic development: opening of new campuses, evolution of the portfolio of foreign partners, positioning and visibility of the international program offering. The members are:

  • Bernard J. BOURIGEAUD, founder of Atos Origin ;
  • Jean-Daniel TORDJMAN, International Diplomat ;
  • Marc BERTONECHE, Professor in different world-class higher education institutions.

Research Advisory Committee

This committee is made up of renowned researchers. It provides analyzes and recommendations to the Board of Directors and the General Management of the School for the development and implementation of the scientific policy of ADALIA School of Business: strategy and positioning of research, evaluation of production, collaboration policy, incentive policy, etc.

Notre Organisation

Our establishment is managed by an executive committee made up of the 3 school directors. Our establishment is currently made up of three operational entities: Grande Ecole, Executive Education, Research and Development.

Accreditations and dual degrees

Authorized Establishment, Accredited diplomas

The ADALIA Institute Establishment | School of Business and Management is authorized by the Moroccan State, all of its courses accredited, which opens up the path to the equivalence of their diplomas for our graduates.

Double Degrees and Academic Partnerships

Our establishment has signed partnership agreements with establishments allowing our graduates to obtain a double diploma, in particular French State Licenses or Masters.