The pedagogy of our Institution

Train for the jobs of tomorrow!

Learn by doing

ADALIA places great emphasis on the inductive approach, a teaching method that has proven itself in Anglo-Saxon teaching models, allowing you to express your potential and develop the agility required within organizations. This pedagogy is supported by:

  • An Excellent Teaching Team: A faculty composed mainly of permanent members holding PhDs, along with international teachers and experts from the world's leading schools.
  • Expert professionals from partner companies providing a forward-looking vision of the business world.
  • Coaches who support you throughout your studies. You receive personalized guidance to learn how to learn, develop "soft skills," and build your professional project.

Throughout your studies, you will work on case studies, business games, simulations, role-playing, and engaging testimonials.

Aim for excellence

Everyone is gifted at something, but we still have to figure out what. We are here to open up horizons that you were previously unaware of, awaken in you the passion to know more and more, give you the keys to understanding the world and acting on it... Reveal your talents and teach you to use them to succeed in your life.

But what exactly is excellence?

For ADALIA, it is about getting you to give the best of yourself, to adopt reflexes of rigor, ethics, cross-checking of analyses, information, practices. The proactive acquisition of knowledge and know-how as well as work on your way of being are essential to position yourself, act and express yourself for yourself while fully understanding your environment.

Excellence is conceived in work, audacity but also diversity: diversity of the teaching staff, diversity of students both in terms of their social and geographical origins.

This is why ADALIA will give students who cannot afford the registration fees the opportunity to apply for an excellence scholarship.

Target the job market

Our educational approach is focused on the resources of our students: developing their critical thinking, their autonomy, their ability to find solutions for themselves. Our teaching is structured around a single objective: to lead them concretely towards the company, for this ADALIA helps them to acquire reflexes to be an actor in their training and not a passive subject.

Their involvement in their journey within ADALIA will be decisive. At the end of their course, they will be perfectly suited to carry out their future missions and the business world will be familiar to them.

Open to the world

Through its partnerships and establishments in networks of international establishments, ADALIA School of Business is open to the world.

ADALIA School of Business is a member of AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

A team at the service of your course

Hybrid Learning

Hybrid Learning is classic classroom teaching. But hybrid learning also involves live broadcasting of the course to students at the school who cannot be there. It is the perfect transparency between the “physical” and the “online”. A first in Morocco.