L’Ecole de Management de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat

Dare to Manage, Dare to Innovate

Develop the entrepreneurial spirit of our students and participants

More than a skill or an activity, we consider entrepreneurship as a true state of mind that promotes individual and collective development.

In line with our mission, our “entrepreneurial approach” comes in several forms with a single objective: to develop students’ ability to act, to innovate and to create, well beyond the creation or takeover of a business.

We can then even speak of “entrepreneurial management” or “intrapreneurship” because our vocation is to train open and curious leaders, who will lead, with their teams, daring business projects.

This strategic bias is reflected in all ADALIA School of Business programs. Concretely, this is:

  • Stimulate students' creativity and teach them to evaluate the quality of their ideas;
  • Make each student an actor in the acquisition of their knowledge and skills;
  • Put the student in a position to have to test reality and make choices.

Develop an ecosystem to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship

Our proximity to the professional world actively participates in the implementation of this approach. Thus, our business partners support us to:

  • Identify trends in promising and innovative professions, sectors, markets, etc.;
  • Irrigate our teaching methods with practical applications, always closer to reality, and “learning by doing” where the student experiences the knowledge acquired during lessons;
  • Decompartmentalize teaching and promote transversality;
  • And more generally, develop training that encourages commitment, taking initiative and action.

Innovation partner

Finally, through our startup incubator and accelerator we actively stimulate the projects of students and participants in ADALIA School of Business training by offering them the real opportunity to materialize their innovative ideas and professional projects.