Executive Education Programs

Short and Certificate Programs for Executives and Managers

It’s time to get up to speed and learn how to design truly useful products and services!

At ADALIA Executive and Enterprise Education (AEEE), we offer a dynamic learning laboratory where our faculty and staff work with corporations, professionals, educational institutions, governments and NGOs, small business owners and entrepreneurs from around the world.

Objectives and Challenges

Featuring our methodology for turning ideas into opportunities, our targeted programs are designed to empower you and your organization to be business leaders that create economic and social value.

Find the program that meets your needs:

All of our certification training courses are accredited.

10 training courses with a certificate!

Tremplin en matière de compétence et de carrière, un certificat professionnel vous permet de gagner en valeur sans avoir à suivre un cursus long.

Design Thinking

Allow you to master Design Thinking, in order to stimulate innovation, solve problems and design solutions centered on user needs. At the end, participants will be able to apply the Design Thinking process in a creative way to generate innovative ideas, improve products or services, and promote the transformation of their organization.

UX Design

Equip participants with the essential skills to design exceptional user experiences, with a focus on understanding user needs, creating user-friendly interfaces, and continuously evaluating UX. At the end, participants will be able to design user-centered products and services and promote customer satisfaction.


This advanced e-CRM training for executives is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of e-CRM principles, practical skills to manage customer relationships effectively across digital channels, and prepare them to obtain certification in e-CRM, thus strengthening their expertise in this essential area for the success of modern businesses.

Artificial Intelligence for Business

The “Artificial Intelligence for Business” training aims to develop an understanding of the basics of AI and explore beneficial applications in business strategy. Participants will be able to judiciously integrate AI, thus promoting a strategic approach to maximize the benefits in their professional context.

Rapid Innovation Bootcamp

The “Rapid Innovation Bootcamp” training aims to accelerate innovation via agile approaches and to develop practical skills in rapid prototyping. Participants will be able to apply these methods to stimulate innovation, accelerate processes, and quickly bring ideas to life.

Jugaad and Ubuntu

The “Frugal Innovations (Jugaad, Ubuntu)” training empowers participants to master the principles of Jugaad and Ubuntu. They will learn to apply
these concepts in a creative way, promoting innovative approaches focused on user needs. At the end of the training, they will be able to generate ingenious solutions, optimize development processes, and promote a culture of frugal innovation within their organizations.

Strategic Leadership through Design Thinking

The “Strategic Leadership through Design Thinking” training aims to gain a strategic perspective on design thinking and develop creative leadership skills. Participants will be able to apply these skills to strategically guide design processes and foster innovative leadership within their teams.

Agile Transformation for Leaders

The “Agile Transformation for Leaders” training aims to integrate agile approaches into leadership and overcome the obstacles related to agile transformation. Participants will be able to apply these approaches to foster organizational agility, lead agile teams, and effectively overcome the challenges associated with agile transformation.

Digital Transformation, overcoming challenges

The “Essentials of Digital Transformation” training aims to teach how to develop a digital culture and overcome the challenges inherent to digital transformation. Participants will be able to apply this knowledge to drive the successful adoption of digital transformation within their organizations, promote a digital culture and overcome barriers related to this process.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-Driven Decision Making training aims to build a data-driven culture and teach the use of analytics for informed decisions. Participants will be able to apply these skills to foster informed decision-making, based on relevant data, and contribute to the establishment of an organizational culture focused on data analysis.