Study of behavior in the service of innovation and marketing

The Applied Research Laboratory of ADALIA School of Business is involved in evaluating behavior and user experience in two directions (training, user testing) and in three contexts in particular (teaching, research, service offering).

The laboratory

We therefore offer a place dedicated to evaluating behavior and user experience with all the expertise and tools necessary for testing. We work in particular with eye-tracking glasses. The quantitative data obtained, crossed with qualitative data, allow particularly detailed analyses.

By combining this approach with our marketing skills, we are able to issue richly argued and creative recommendations on projects of a very variable nature (digital content or applications, objects, services, etc.), whatever their state of readiness. progress (paper model, beta version, 3D printed prototype, etc.).

As part of a user-centered approach, user testing is fundamental. They allow, with participants, to design, validate a design and evaluate the suitability of a device. The test results make it possible to convince the project stakeholders with a strong argument that combines observations, qualitative data (notably user feedback) and quantitative data (notably measurements, for example the time to complete a task). Usability is often at the heart of user testing. It generally includes effectiveness, efficiency, engagement, error tolerance and ease of learning. When we talk about evaluating the user experience, we also aim at other dimensions. For example: fun mechanics in a video game, narration in a transmedia creation, stress in an urban journey, the appropriation of content for an educational production, the reception of a message linked to a communication medium, etc.


Phase 1 
Based on the needs in terms of user testing, we write a protocol which ensures the scientific rigor of the approach. In this protocol, we describe:

  • the purpose of the tests (objectives, problems, hypotheses);
  • administering the tests (methodology, instructions, questionnaires, interview);
  • their organization (process, calendar).

Phase 2 
The tests can take place in the users' environment, in our laboratory or in a specially designed place (for example a driving track). Here is an example of how a handover works:

  • reception, information on the testing process;
  • authorizations, non-disclosure;
  • instructions ;
  • pre-test questionnaire, familiarization;
  • test ;
  • post-test questionnaire, interview.

Phase 3 
The analysis of the results corresponds to the work on the problems based on the data collected during the administration of the tests. This makes it possible to validate or invalidate the hypotheses of the protocol. It is also an opportunity to see other issues emerge. Multiple statistical tools are implemented, as well as visualization tools.

Complementary phases
In the case of a testing process whose objectives are not yet clearly identified, we propose carrying out a preliminary study which may include an analysis of existing solutions and suggesting problems. Furthermore, after writing the protocol, we can take care of recruiting test participants. The analysis phase leads us to make recommendations, but we can go further with our user experience designers. Indeed, they are able to create variations of the design to accommodate them. Finally, we can monitor the progress of production based on recommendations and modification proposals.

v-Methodology for User Experience Evaluation
As part of our methodology, we cross quantitative data with qualitative data, feedback from participants with their behavior, as shown in the diagram below.

In partnership with businesses

Our laboratory is available both to students and teachers, but also to partner companies. This is why this laboratory has established a partnership with the largest global network of study institutes: TNS Global, in Morocco.


The ADALIA School of Business Applied Research Laboratory Team is at your service to:

  • answer your questions about the laboratory and its operation;
  • make a demonstration ;
  • meet a study need.

To do this, please contact us by telephone on 0522 640 640 or by email: