A program with dual certification

ADALIA Institute | School of Business and Management and a large international establishment offer a progressive certification system for professionals and teachers wishing to improve with the latest and most effective teaching methods. Designed for occasional or professional teachers, the “International Teacher Certificate” training course is designed to train an elite corps of teachers for the whole of Africa.

Becoming a trainer means mastering precise teaching techniques and methods, in order to share your knowledge and know-how. It also means adopting the right posture, finding contact with each participant, and generating positive group dynamics. The trainer must both master his content and focus on the learner, to take everyone “where they are” and allow them to progress. This cycle truly allows you to professionalize yourself as a trainer.

Case Method

In addition, this training is intended to understand the case method, from the design of a case to the evaluation of participants.

Educational innovation

To go further, the training focuses on educational innovations to allow each teacher to position the right tools in each teaching situation.

Use of EdTechs

Finally, this training will raise awareness and provide practical cases of use of EdTech (educational technologies) in order to give each educator all the methods and tools to teach the most digitalized students.