Clubs and Activities

Student associations for students

The Largest Mall in Africa and the Beach 10′ walk away

The Marina is a 10-minute walk from ADALIA

It’s privileged access to FastFoods and 10 stores.

The beach is also 10 minutes away on foot

The Corniche of Casablanca is also 10 minutes away on foot. Who says better ?

Welcome to the dynamic world of student activities at the ADALIA Institute | School of Business and Management, where we strive to create an enriching environment that extends beyond the classroom. Discover the many facets of student life within our institution.

A diversified offer

Tout au long de l’année, le Bureau des Elèves organise des rendez-vous incontournables. Mais il est également composé de deux nouveaux pôles , le LIC  «  living in Casablanca » un service proposant des bons plans à moindre coûts sur Casablanca et le pôle prévention qui assure la sécurité et le bien-être des étudiants en association avec la Direction des Opérations de notre établissement.
Au programme du Bureau des Sports, des championnats, des sports extrêmes et des croisières.
Le Bureau des Arts vous offrent des défilés de mode, des cours de théâtre ou  des concerts de musique.
Solidarité et générosité seront les maîtres mots du BDE, permettant de tissee des liens entre les étudiants et les entreprises pour décrocher des emplois.

Active members

These associations are made up of active members including the members of the office (a president, a treasurer, a secretary sometimes working in pairs) and division managers.

A dedicated space and adapted management tools

Une surface est aménagée en bureaux est dédiée aux associations.
Les anciens membres sollicités comme pilotes, la coordinatrice associations d’ADALIA Management School  accompagnent les étudiants tout au long de leur mandat associatif.

Student Association: United for Mutual Enrichment

The Student Association is the beating heart of our university life. It offers students a space for expression, collaboration and the creation of lasting connections. The members of the association work together to organize events, workshops, and initiatives that strengthen the feeling of belonging to the ADALIA community.

Cultural Events and Activities: Celebrating Diversity

The cultural richness of Casablanca becomes an integral part of the student experience at ADALIA. Vibrant festivals, captivating artistic exhibitions, captivating concerts: our campus is a place where cultural diversity is celebrated. Don’t miss the annual Innodays, an international conference that catalyzes innovation and entrepreneurship.

Outings and Excursions: Explore the Surroundings of Casablanca

The ADALIA Institute encourages you to discover the treasures surrounding Casablanca. Excursions to historic monuments, fascinating museums, and spectacular natural sites are organized regularly. Immerse yourself in history, art, and natural beauty just steps from our campus.

Student Clubs and Activities: Fulfillment Beyond Classes

Participate in the cultural clubs, dynamic sports teams, and stimulating discussion groups offered by ADALIA. Whether you are passionate about culture, sport, or intellectual debate, our student clubs and activities offer an environment conducive to personal development and the creation of lasting connections.

Local Partnerships: The Bridge Between Study and Practice

Internship opportunities, academic collaborations, and events in partnership with local companies offer our students concrete perspectives of the professional world. We believe in the value of an education that is anchored in the reality of the business world.

Proximities and Areas to Visit in Casablanca: Experience the City to the Fullest

Enjoy the treasures of Casablanca, from the Marina shopping to the Ain Diab Beach, from the shops in El Medina to the fast food snacks, from the entertainment in Sindibad to the Morocco Mall. Our strategic location gives you access to a multitude of activities, from shopping to sports, for a complete student experience.

At the ADALIA Institute, we not only train leaders and entrepreneurs, we shape balanced individuals who are engaged in their community. Join us for an educational adventure that goes beyond the boundaries of the classroom.