Hybrid Learning

The power of digital at the service of Education

Hybrid Learning is also the guarantee of increasing skills in digital transformation, dematerialized management, and even the guarantee of greater openness towards the International.

Mandatory sequences on Campus will allow you to develop your personal network, whether within your class, but also through contact with business leaders who lead course sessions, or exceptional conferences.

What is Hybrid Learning?

It is quite simply the possibility of following your courses in class, in our Campus of Excellence, but also remotely thanks to a first-rate system.

Whether for health or personal reasons, you lose nothing if you are forced to stay at home or in any other place.

Face à Face – Face-to-Face

Teaching in hybrid learning means first of all returning to traditional face-to-face teaching. Practiced since the dawn of time, led to its archetype of excellence by Aristotle, face-to-face teaching is a real discussion between a learner and his teacher. Hybrid Learning places this interaction at the heart of the educational model, whether real or remote.

Personnalisation – Personalization

Teaching in hybrid learning means first of all returning to traditional face-to-face teaching. Practiced since the dawn of time, led to its archetype of excellence by Aristotle, face-to-face teaching is a real discussion between a learner and his teacher. Hybrid Learning places this interaction at the heart of the educational model, whether real or remote.

Blended Learning

Blended Learning popularized in particular thanks to Anglo-Saxon practices, blended learning combines different teaching methods: courses, workshops, supervised team work. Hybrid learning makes it possible to apply these methods in a more in-depth and flexible manner.

Outils d’Apprentissage Adaptatifs – Adaptative Learning Tools

The combination of face-to-face and distance learning makes it possible to implement new combinations of educational tools: case studies, simulation, hybrid group work, mixed sessions, etc. This richness makes the courses more lively, but also allows participants to perfect their use of online collaboration tools.

Distanciation Sociale – Social Distancing

Health measures require social distancing measures. Hybrid Learning courses make it possible to ask part of the class to stay at home, or to participate in the course from a second classroom in order to apply social distancing measures. A powerful tool to preserve everyone's health without reducing the number of lessons.

Sécurité – Safety

Participating in an online or face-to-face course is also a security measure which affects both health measures of course, but also the confidentiality of what happens in the classroom. Because when you participate in a Hybrid session, you are perfectly identified.

Agenda Flexible – Flexible Schedule

Hybrid learning also makes it possible to adapt the educational agenda to different logistical constraints. If you are part of a continuing education group, you can log into your course from your workplace. But you will also have the chance to participate in courses given by teachers from all over the world!

Outils Pédagogiques à Distance – Remote Learning Tools

Finally, hybrid learning allows you to take optimal advantage of the various distance learning educational tools: participation in quick surveys, chat sessions, virtual subgroups for case studies, connection to academic databases, etc. .